returns policy

We hope that you are happy with your purchases,

From the date of shipment, you have 28 days to evaluate your purchase. Provided it has not been damaged, used or worn (other than to try on for size) and no labels have been removed, you may return it in its original packaging for a full refund, or exchange at your discretion.


We will only pay the return delivery charges when a product is faulty or damaged. For other returns you will be responsible for all return costs, including any re-importation duties or other taxes.


Please follow these instructions for returning items;


If you do wish to return an item, please email to make arrangements before sending it.


Send the item back to us including a note with the returns number we issued you along with your contact details and postal order for return postage if it is a faulty return.


When returning an item we strongly suggest you get a certificate of posting from the Post Office when you send an item back and therefore they should be sent by recorded delivery. Please keep your certificate or postage/receipt.


Customs charges outside the EU


Taxes, custom charges and import duties may apply to deliveries to countries outside of the EU. If they apply they will need to be paid before the parcel will be released for delivery Please note that you will need to meet any additional charges for customs clearance; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. As customs policies vary from country to country, please contact your local Tax or Customs office for further details.


Like all international retailers, we can take no responsibility for such taxes, or for any goods seized by import authorities due to local regulations, such as concerning organic matter or weaponry. We endeavour to do our best to describe shipments in customs-friendly terms and to avoid shipping items to countries where problem issues may arise (e.g. we do not ship sealskin sporrans to the US.) But ultimate responsibility must lie with the customer and if you are in any doubt, please check with your local authorities before placing any order.


Please note that packages may still be liable for local import duties, which are always the purchaser’s responsibility.


Special Measure Garments:


If you have supplied your own measurements or had a third party take your measurements, no responsibility will be accepted by Mckay’s Kilts and Medals if the garments do not fit and there will be no return of these goods.


Return to-


McKays Kilts and Medals

3-6 Station Road


Co Durham